Indulge in a Sweet Treat with this Easy Skillet Cake Recipe

Welcome to my plantation skillet cake recipe article! I am excited to share this recipe with you as it is one of my all-time favorites. This delicious cake boasts a golden, caramelized crust with a fluffy interior, and it is perfect for a special occasion or even just a weekend brunch.

The plantation skillet cake is an heirloom recipe that has been passed down through generations in Southern households. This classic recipe can be made using simple ingredients that you likely already have in your pantry, such as all-purpose flour, sugar, milk, and eggs.

Baking a cake from scratch can be quite intimidating, but don’t worry! This recipe is straightforward and easy to follow. It makes for an impressive presentation and an even better taste. Trust me; your guests will be impressed and asking for more!

So get ready to take your taste buds on a delightful journey with this mouth-watering plantation skillet cake recipe!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Plantation Skillet Cake
Plantation Skillet Cake

Looking for a one-of-a-kind dessert that you can easily make in the comfort of your own home? Then look no further than the Plantation Skillet Cake recipe! This simple, yet flavorful dessert is sure to be a hit with your family and friends alike.

Firstly, this cake is incredibly versatile. It can be customized to fit any flavor profile or occasion. Swap out the pineapple for cherries or add chocolate chunks to make it a rich chocolate skillet cake. This recipe is great for experimenting with variations while still ensuring delicious results.

Additionally, the preparation process is simple! With just a handful of ingredients and a cast iron skillet, you can create this scrumptious dessert with ease. The batter can be prepped in under 10 minutes and then it’s ready for baking in the oven. This makes it perfect when you need to whip up something quick for unexpected guests or when you’re looking for an easy weekend treat.

Furthermore, the Plantation Skillet Cake’s moist and fluffy texture combined with its subtle sweetness makes it a crowd-pleaser. With its lightly caramelized crust and pineapple upside-down topping, this dessert will appeal to everyone’s taste buds.

Lastly, this recipe is adaptable to different dietary requirements. You can make it dairy-free by swapping out butter with margarine or even use low-fat milk instead of whole milk without sacrificing any deliciousness.

All in all, there are countless reasons why you’ll love this recipe! Whether you’re looking for something sweet and comforting on a cold winter night or just craving a homemade dessert that’s scrumptious and fuss-free, the Plantation Skillet Cake Recipe is sure to deliver. So go ahead – give it a whirl today and see for yourself why this cake is one of my personal favorites!

Ingredient List

 Sweet, sticky goodness in every bite.
Sweet, sticky goodness in every bite.

Before You Start

Make sure you have all the ingredients on hand to make this Plantation Skillet Cake recipe. Here is the complete list you would need:
– One iron skillet (preferably cast iron) for baking the cake, giving it that charming brown crust
– 1 cup of all-purpose flour
– 1 teaspoon of baking powder
– 1/4 teaspoon of salt
– 3/4 cup of granulated sugar
– 2 large eggs plus one egg white
– 1/2 cup of low-fat milk
– 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter or margarine
– 1 1/2 teaspoons of grated orange rind
– 1 cup of brown sugar for making the syrup

This recipe will yield a cake with a rich texture and deep flavor. Do not forget to check the freshness of your baking powder before starting. Luckily, these ingredients are easily accessible in most grocery stores or markets.

The Recipe How-To

 This skillet cake is like a warm, comforting hug.
This skillet cake is like a warm, comforting hug.

Step 1: Preheat the Skillet

To get started with this Plantation Skillet Cake recipe, the first thing you need to do is to preheat your cast iron skillet. Make sure to preheat the skillet over medium heat for about 5 minutes. This will allow for even heat distribution and ensure that the cake cooks properly.

Step 2: Melt the Butter

Next, place {2 tbsp} of unsalted butter into the skillet and let it melt. Make sure to distribute the butter evenly across the skillet’s surface.

Step 3: Add Sugar

Add {1 cup} of sugar to the melted butter in the skillet. Then, stir it well until it is completely combined with the butter. This mixture serves as a base for your Plantation Skillet Cake.

Step 4: Arrange Fruits

Now, remove the skillet from heat and add in your preferred sliced fruits like strawberries, pineapple or blueberries to form attractive patterns on top of the sugar-butter mixture. The fruit shall offer additional sweetness that complements nicely with the caramelized butter-sugar mixture.

Step 5: Prepare the Cake Mix

In a mixing bowl, whisk together {1½ cups} all-purpose flour, {1 tbsp} baking powder and {½ tsp} salt. Once these dry ingredients are mixed well, set aside.

Separately whisk together two large eggs (or one large egg plus one egg white) in a medium mixing bowl or jug of volume ~ two cups. Add {1 cup} of milk and whisk until everything is fully combined. Pour in gradually a portion of dry ingredient (as formulated above), while stirring continuously so no lumps are formed until all ingredients are incorporated smoothly together.

Step 6: Pour Batter over Caramelized Fruit

After preparing your cake batter, pour it gently but steadily onto caramelized fruit-sugar-butter mixture in your preheated cast-iron skillet over medium heat. Ease out any air bubbles or gaps in batter with a spatula. Level off as needed leaving a uniform batter height across whole surface.

Step 7: Bake Cake

Place your cast iron skillet into an oven which has been previously pre-heated to 375F (190C) degrees for approximately 25-30 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.

Once fully baked through, remove from oven and let cool down completely before slicing and serving!

This Plantation Skillet Cake recipe is a perfect combination of fresh fruits and moist cake baked inside a cast iron skillet that’s great for brunches or small family gatherings!

Substitutions and Variations

 Perfectly moist and tender with a crunchy edge.
Perfectly moist and tender with a crunchy edge.

The Plantation Skillet Cake recipe is incredibly versatile and can be adjusted to suit your preferences, ingredient availability, or dietary restrictions. Here are a few suggestions for substitutions and variations:

– Dairy-free: If you are avoiding dairy, you can make this cake with almond milk or soy milk instead of cow’s milk. You can also use a vegan margarine or coconut oil to replace the unsalted butter. These substitutes will result in a cake that is lower in fat and calories.

– Gluten-free: To make this cake gluten-free, swap out the all-purpose flour for an equal amount of gluten-free all-purpose flour or a blend of almond and coconut flour.

– Fruit variations: The Plantation Skillet Cake recipe is a great base for incorporating different fruits. You can make this cake using sliced peaches, nectarines, or apricots instead of pineapple rings. Alternatively, try using raspberries, blueberries, or strawberries to create a delicious berry plantation skillet cake.

– Brown sugar substitute: If you prefer not to use brown sugar in this recipe, you can use maple syrup as a substitute. Use the same amount of maple syrup as you would brown sugar.

– Mixed spices: You can add an extra dimension of flavor to your Plantation Skillet Cake by adding cinnamon or nutmeg. Use about 1/4 teaspoon of the spice in the batter.

– Chocolate variation: If you’re craving chocolate, try making this Plantation Skillet Cake recipe with chocolate chips instead of fruit toppings. Simply sprinkle chocolate chips over the batter before baking, and you’ll have a decadent chocolate skillet cake!

Whether you’re looking for new ingredient combinations or experimenting with dietary restrictions, these substitutions and variations will give you plenty of opportunities to switch up your Plantation Skillet Cake recipe.

Serving and Pairing

 A decadent treat that's sure to impress your guests.
A decadent treat that’s sure to impress your guests.

I suggest serving this delicious Plantation Skillet Cake warm with a dollop of whipped cream or vanilla ice cream on top. The warm cake combined with the coolness of the topping is a match made in heaven!

If you’re feeling adventurous, try pairing the cake with some fresh fruit, such as strawberries or blueberries, for a fruity twist. A fruit compote would make for an excellent addition as well.

Another option to consider is transforming this skillet cake into something more impressive by adding some chocolate chips, nuts, or dried fruit directly to the batter before baking. This elevation gives you more of a dessert feel and could easily be used as a substitute for your usual chocolate cake recipe.

Lastly, if you still have room after this decadent dessert, I recommend pairing it with black coffee or hot tea for a complementary balance to the sweetness of the cake.

Overall, whatever way you choose to serve and pair this Plantation Skillet Cake Recipe, one thing is sure – your taste buds are in for an unforgettable experience!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Vanilla, caramel, and pecan flavors blend perfectly in this cake.
Vanilla, caramel, and pecan flavors blend perfectly in this cake.

The Plantation Skillet Cake is a delicious and versatile treat that can be enjoyed freshly baked or stored to be enjoyed later. Here are some tips on how to make-ahead, store, and reheat this cake.


If you’re planning on serving the cake for a special occasion or just want to prepare ahead of time, the great news is that you can! Simply follow the recipe instructions up until baking. Instead of placing it in the oven, cover the skillet with plastic wrap and store it in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours before baking. This method will not only save you time, but it will also allow the flavors of the cake to develop further.


If there are any leftovers (which may not be likely), then storing the cake is easy. Allow it to cool down first and then wrap it tightly with plastic wrap or keep it in an airtight container. Store it in the refrigerator for up to three days. If you’re planning on storing it for longer than that, consider freezing individual slices instead.


The best way to reheat your leftover cake depends on your preference. You can either warm up individual slices in the microwave for a quick and easy fix or preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and bake the whole cake for 10 minutes until warmed through. If you prefer crispy edges, place the slices under the broiler for a minute or two until they’re as crispy as you want them.

Whatever method you choose, I recommend serving this cake with some fresh fruit like sliced strawberries or blueberries for a pop of color and extra flavor. You can also top it off with some whipped cream or even vanilla ice cream if you’re feeling adventurous!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Bring a taste of the South to your kitchen with this Plantation Skillet Cake.
Bring a taste of the South to your kitchen with this Plantation Skillet Cake.

Here are my top tips to ensure perfect results every time you make this delectable plantation skillet cake:

1. Use a Cast-Iron Skillet: A cast-iron skillet is the best choice for making this cake because it distributes heat evenly, enabling the cake to cook uniformly. It also adds a nice crustiness to the bottom of the cake.

2. Preheat Your Skillet: To get an even bake, preheat your skillet over medium heat before pouring in the batter. This will ensure that the cake bakes evenly.

3. Don’t Overmix the Batter: When combining the ingredients, mix until just combined. Overmixing can cause the gluten in the flour to activate, making the cake tough instead of tender.

4. Use Room Temperature Ingredients: Ensure that all ingredients are at room temperature before mixing them in so they blend smoothly and result in a tender cake.

5. Measure Ingredients Properly: Sift flour and sugar and measure each ingredient accurately with measuring cups and spoons to avoid inconsistency in flavor and texture.

6. Check for Doneness: The key to perfectly baked plantation skillet cake is checking for doneness after 25 minutes by either inserting a toothpick or skewer into the center, which should come out clean when done.

7. Let it Cool: Once your plantation skillet cake is done baking, let it cool for at least 15 minutes before flipping onto a serving plate so it can set properly and not break apart.

8. Experiment with Toppings and Variations: Try your plantation skillet with different topping variations such as fresh fruit or whipped cream for a strawberry or blueberry plantation skillet. Alternatively, you could substitute pineapple rings for brown sugar on top for a pineapple upside-down skillet, or simply bake plain for a hoe cake inspired by traditional Southern fare.

By following these easy tips, you will end up with mouth-watering perfection every time you bake this delicious plantation skillet cake recipe!


As with any recipe, questions and concerns may arise during the preparation and cooking process. Here are some frequently asked questions along with answers to help ensure that you get the most out of your plantation skillet cake recipe experience.

Can I use a cast iron skillet to bake a cake?

Cast-iron skillets are excellent for baking various types of dishes including cakes, cobblers, brownies and bread. These skillets are designed to hold and distribute heat evenly, which results in baked goods that are cooked evenly throughout. Additionally, cast-iron skillets can also be used for other cooking methods such as melting or sautéing ingredients before adding toppings. So, if you are looking for a versatile and reliable baking option, consider choosing a cast-iron skillet.

Can you bake a cake on stove top?

Did you ever think you could create a delicious cake without an oven? Well, with the stovetop steaming method, you can! The results are just as scrumptious as an oven-baked sponge cake. To get started, all you require is a deep pan with a tight-closing lid, creating a steamy environment that causes the cake to rise perfectly. It’s an easy and convenient way to bake a cake without the need for an oven.

What can you bake in cast iron?

As a baker, there’s no limit to what you can bake or how you can bake it. The possibilities are endless, ranging from sweet desserts to savory dishes like pizza, rolls, roasted foods, and quiches. With the right equipment, you can experiment with different techniques to achieve the texture and taste you desire. For instance, preheating your cast iron bakeware can create a crispy crust that’ll leave your cornbread, pizza, and biscuits with crunchy edges. So, let’s dive into one of my favorites – cornbread – and I’ll share with you a recipe that’ll give you an incredible taste experience.

How to make a cake without baking?

Making a cake using your microwave is a quick and easy process. All you have to do is mix the ingredients together in a mug, pop it in the microwave for a few minutes (as directed by the recipe usually about 3 minutes), and presto! You’ll have a warm and delicious cake in no time.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the plantation skillet cake recipe is an easy and versatile dessert that everyone can make. Its simplicity and deliciousness are what make it so appealing to a wide range of people. The recipe can be made with a cast iron skillet or any other frying pan, which makes it even more convenient. Additionally, you can add your favorite fruits or flavorings to make it even better suited to your taste.

The recipe is also very forgiving when it comes to substitutions or variations. You can choose to make a dairy-free version or use different types of sugar or flour. This versatility makes it adaptable to different dietary needs and preferences.

In summary, the plantation skillet cake recipe is a must-try for anyone who loves baking or just enjoying good food. With its simple ingredients and easy-to-follow instructions, this cake recipe will quickly become a staple in your dessert repertoire. So head to the kitchen, pull out your cast iron skillet or frying pan, and let’s bake some delicious plantation skillet cakes!

Plantation Skillet Cake

Plantation Skillet Cake Recipe

I just love Paula Deen! She has a great outlook on life, a wonderful sense of humor, and she is from the South!! 😀 Here is another of her recipes - "A delicious breakfast dish, very easily prepared and quick to cook. It is something like Yorkshire pudding."
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Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: < 60 Mins, Breads, Breakfast, Easy
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Calories: 191.6kcal


  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil


  • Preheat oven to 400ºF.
  • Beat the eggs well, then add the flour and salt and beat again.
  • Slowly add the milk, then the oil, beating constantly.
  • Butter an 8-inch cast iron skillet generously and pour in the batter.
  • Bake for about 20 min, or until the cake is puffed and brown at the edges.
  • Cut the cake in wedges and serve it with warm applesauce and brown sugar.

Your Own Notes


Serving: 60g | Calories: 191.6kcal | Carbohydrates: 13.6g | Protein: 7.3g | Fat: 11.8g | Saturated Fat: 2.8g | Cholesterol: 162.9mg | Sodium: 213.1mg | Fiber: 0.4g | Sugar: 0.3g

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