Indulge in This Delicious Norwegian School Bread Recipe

Close your eyes and imagine the softness of a freshly baked bread combined with the sweetness of vanilla custard and decorated with grated coconut. Sounds delicious, doesn’t it? Now picture this – a traditional Norwegian bakery goods in one bite-size package. That’s what you get with the famous Norwegian School Bread or Skolebrød. These sweet rolls, filled with custard and decorated with icing, are a treat for your taste buds.

But you don’t have to book a plane ticket to the Norway Pavilion at Epcot in Disney World to savor these delicious buns. With my Norwegian School Bread recipe, you can make these delectable treats in the comfort of your own kitchen.

This roll made from a yeasted dough filled with vanilla instant pudding mix and topped with icing dipped in grated coconut is nothing short of amazing. No wonder why it’s one of the most popular bakery items in Norway. So, if you’re ready to transport your taste buds to Scandinavia, let’s get started with this mouth-watering School Bread Recipe!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Norwegian School Bread
Norwegian School Bread

Welcome to the irresistible world of Norwegian School Bread, a sweet roll filled with vanilla custard, decorated with icing, and dipped in grated coconut that will captivate your senses from the first bite.

Let’s be honest; everyone loves bread, either plain or toasted, savory or sweet. But this Norwegian School Bread recipe takes it to a whole new level of deliciousness.

This recipe is perfect for anyone who wants to indulge in a satisfyingly sweet treat without sacrificing flavor or texture. The combination of cardamom and sugar creates an aromatic blend that amplifies the dough’s flavors and makes each bite burst with delectable goodness.

And if you think bread rolls are not exciting, think again. The soft, pillowy texture of the yeasted dough filled with creamy vanilla custard makes for a heavenly experience that will leave you craving more.

Take it up a notch by decorating it with icing and dipping it in grated coconut for that extra crunch. Trust me when I say this; your taste buds won’t regret it.

But it’s not just the flavors that make this recipe stand out; it’s also easy to make. You don’t have to be an experienced baker to nail this one every time. All you need is determination and precision when following the instructions, which are detailed and straightforward.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for an indulgent treat that doesn’t compromise on taste, texture, or ease of baking, look no further than this Norwegian School Bread recipe. Treat yourself to something extraordinary and satisfy your cravings today!

Ingredient List

 A glance at the Norwegian School Bread, a true delight for pastry lovers.
A glance at the Norwegian School Bread, a true delight for pastry lovers.

Before getting started with the recipe, it’s crucial to have all the ingredients on hand. Below is a list of everything needed to make this famous Norwegian sweet roll, also known as Norwegian School Bread or skolebrød.

Main Ingredients:

  • Water 1/2 cup
  • Egg 1
  • Vanilla instant pudding mix 1 (4 servings)
  • Flour 4 cups
  • Cardamom 1 1/2 tsp
  • Sugar 1/2 cup
  • Active dry yeast 2 (0.25 oz) pkg
  • Unsalted butter 1 cup (two stick) softened to room temperature
  • Milk (whole milk) 1 and 1/2 cups

For Norwegian Custard:

  • Milk 1 and 1/2 cups
  • Sugar 3/4 cup
  • Cornstarch: 3 tbsp
  • Egg Yolks: two

For Decoration:

  • Ground cardamom: 1 tsp
  • Whole milk: 1 tbsp
  • Sugar: 2 tbsp
  • Grated coconut: a small bowl of it.


A properly working oven, Mixing Bowl, Dough hook, Parchment paper, Kitchen towel or clingfilm, pastry brush.

Make sure to double-check your pantry and go grocery shopping if necessary, so you can start baking without any interruptions!

The Recipe How-To

 This fluffy and sweet bread is a perfect match for a hot cup of coffee.
This fluffy and sweet bread is a perfect match for a hot cup of coffee.

Before we get into the recipe, I want to emphasize that making Norwegian School Bread is a labor of love. It takes patience, skill and attention to detail to perfect this recipe. But trust me, once you taste the soft and sweet rolls filled with vanilla custard and dipped in grated coconut, you’ll forget about all the hard work it took to make them.

Without further ado, let’s jump right into the recipe:


  • For bread dough:

    • 1 cup whole milk, warmed
    • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
    • 2 eggs
    • 4 cups flour
    • 1/4 cup sugar
    • 1 package (2 1/4 tsp) active dry yeast
    • 1 tsp ground cardamom
  • For vanilla custard:

    • 2 cups milk (1% or whole milk)
    • 1 package (3.4 oz) vanilla instant pudding mix
  • For toppings:

    • Sweetened shredded coconut
    • Unsweetened cocoa powder, for dusting

Bread Dough

  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine warm milk, melted butter, eggs and sugar. Mix well.
  2. Add flour, yeast and ground cardamom to the mixing bowl and stir until well mixed.
  3. Knead the dough using the dough hook attachment on your stand mixer for about 5 minutes until it’s smooth and elastic.
  4. Cover the dough with plastic wrap or a damp cloth and let it sit in a warm place until doubled in size, approximately for an hour.

Vanilla Custard

  1. While waiting for the bread dough to rise, prepare the vanilla custard by whisking together milk and pudding mix in a medium saucepan.
  2. Cook over medium heat while whisking constantly until mixture thickens and boils.
  3. Simmer for an additional minute while whisking continuously until smooth.
  4. Remove from heat and transfer to another container immediately so that it doesn’t burn.

Assembly & Baking

  1. Once the dough has risen, punch it down using your fist on a clean surface dusted with flour.
  2. Divide the dough into around 12 -14 equal parts that are approximately two inches large each.
  3. Roll each piece of dough into small balls then flatten it into rounds about two inches wide by pressing lightly onto them with your fingers.
  4. Fill each circle with one tablespoon of vanilla custard then fold up the sides around so that it forms a ball once again.
  5. Place these filled balls onto two ungreased baking sheets (approximately six per baking mat ).
  6. Let rise in a warm place for another hour or until they double in size once more
  7. Preheat oven to 375°F (190

Substitutions and Variations

 Our secret ingredient? Cardamom! It adds a delicious spicy touch to this classic recipe.
Our secret ingredient? Cardamom! It adds a delicious spicy touch to this classic recipe.

Listen, I get it – not everyone has every single ingredient on hand all the time. But that doesn’t mean you can’t whip up a batch of Norwegian School Bread! Here are a few substitutions and variations to consider:

– Flour: If you’re out of regular all-purpose flour, you can try using bread flour or even whole wheat flour to mix things up. Just keep in mind that the bread may come out slightly denser.

– Cardamom: This sweet, fragrant spice is definitely an essential component of Norwegian School Bread. However, if you don’t have ground cardamom on hand, you could substitute it with cinnamon or nutmeg in a pinch. Keep in mind though that it won’t give you the same classic school bread flavor.

– Vanilla Instant Pudding Mix: This ingredient helps make the bread extra soft and moist. If you don’t have vanilla instant pudding mix, you can try using cornstarch instead. Add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch for every 1 packet of vanilla pudding mix called for.

– Butter: If you’re running low on butter, or prefer dairy-free alternatives, substitute it with margarine, coconut oil or vegetable oil. Just keep in mind that using oil will change the texture and flavor of the final product.

– Milk: Both whole milk and lower-fat varieties (like 2% or 1%) will work just fine in this recipe. Plant-based milks like almond milk or soy milk can also be used as a substitute.

– Yeast: Active dry yeast is commonly used in this recipe, but if that’s not available, instant yeast or fresh yeast would do too. Be aware that different types of yeast may require different proofing times.

Experiment with different variations and substitutions until you find your perfect version of Norwegian School Bread! And remember – sometimes culinary experiments may turn out beautifully while other times they might turn out terribly!

Serving and Pairing

 Satisfy your sweet tooth with this scrumptious Norwegian School Bread.
Satisfy your sweet tooth with this scrumptious Norwegian School Bread.

When it comes to serving Norwegian School Bread, there are several delicious ways to enjoy this delectable treat. Traditionally, this sweet roll is filled with vanilla custard and decorated with icing dipped in coconut shreds. You can serve it as a dessert or enjoy it as a snack with a hot cup of coffee or tea.

If you’re looking to switch things up, try pairing your school bread with fresh berries or whipped cream. The sweet cardamom flavor pairs well with the tartness of the berries and adds an extra layer of complexity to the dish. Another option is to serve the bread alongside a warm bowl of soup or stew for a hearty meal.

For an extra special treat, try making a Norwegian school bread parfait! This indulgent dessert layers chunks of school bread with whipped cream and fresh berries. It’s a delicious way to showcase the flavors of the traditional Norwegian bread in a uniquely modern way.

If you’re feeling adventurous, consider pairing Norwegian School Bread with other Nordic-inspired dishes such as meatballs or cured fish. The flavors perfectly complement each other and will transport your taste buds straight to Norway.

Whether you opt for traditional pairings or experiment with new combinations, one thing is for sure: Norwegian School Bread is a versatile treat that can be enjoyed in various ways!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Enjoy a slice of this bread as a midday snack or a light breakfast.
Enjoy a slice of this bread as a midday snack or a light breakfast.

There is nothing quite like the long-lasting joy of a delicious Norwegian School Bread. Thankfully, you can make this sweet roll ahead of time and enjoy it fresh any time you want.

To make the most out of this recipe, I suggest you make the dough in advance and store it in an airtight bag or container in your fridge for up to 24 hours. This way, you can quickly put a batch together when needed and enjoy fresh-baked bread.

Once baked, leftover buns can be stored in an airtight container for up to three days at room temperature or five days if kept refrigerated. You can also freeze baked bread for up to one month. Simply wrap it tightly in aluminum foil or plastic wrap and place it in a resealable freezer-safe bag before storing.

To reheat frozen bread, remove it from the freezer and let it thaw at room temperature for several hours before placing it in a preheated oven at 350°F (176°C) until warmed through. You can also use a microwave to reheat rolls by wrapping them partially with damp paper towels and microwaving them for 10-20 seconds.

If you’re planning on making these sweet rolls for a party, consider decorating them only before serving them as storing already decorated rolls might affect their quality. Use the vanilla custard as frosting on top of your bread or mix powdered sugar with milk to create a simple icing instead.

Overall, these Norwegian School Buns are perfect any time, whether freshly baked or reheated. Remember to keep these tips in mind to make sure that you get the most out of every bite of this famous Norwegian recipe!

Tips for Perfect Results

 A perfect balance of sweetness and fluffiness in every bite.
A perfect balance of sweetness and fluffiness in every bite.

Making Norwegian School Bread may seem like an easy task, but achieving the perfect results takes a bit of practice and finesse. So, I’ve compiled some tips to help you get the most out of your school bread recipe.

First and foremost, when working with yeast, it’s important to activate it first. You can do this by mixing it with lukewarm water and sugar and letting it sit for approximately five minutes. This will allow the yeast to begin its fermentation process, which is necessary for giving your bread its signature airy texture.

It’s also important to be patient when kneading the dough. Make sure you knead it for at least 10-12 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic in texture. This will help the gluten strands develop, which is key for creating a well-risen bake.

While cardamom is an essential ingredient in this recipe, make sure you don’t go overboard with it. You want the flavor to be subtle so that it doesn’t overpower the rest of the dish. A good rule of thumb is to use only half a teaspoon of ground cardamom for every cup of flour.

Another tip is to let the dough rise in a warm and draft-free area. Cover the bowl with a wet towel or plastic wrap to retain moisture and increase heat. This will give your dough ample time to double in size before baking, resulting in those pillowy soft buns.

For perfect results with the vanilla custard filling, make sure not to boil the milk mixture as it can curdle and separate. Instead, cook the mixture on low heat while stirring constantly until thickened then remove from heat for a few minutes before adding your egg yolks.

Finally, remember that every oven is different so pay close attention to your school bread as it bakes. The golden brown color on top is usually an indication that it’s ready.

Follow these tips, and you’ll soon be able to achieve mouth-watering Norwegian School Bread every time!


Now that you have learned everything about making the delicious Norwegian School Bread recipe and its variations, I bet that some questions might arise. Don’t worry; we got you covered with this FAQ section where I’ll provide you some answers to the most common inquiries. So, let’s dive into it!

What is school bread made of?

This recipe is for a traditional Norwegian pastry commonly known as a school bread or school bun. It is a sweet roll made with a yeasted dough that is filled with delicious custard and topped with icing and grated coconut.

What is typical Norwegian bread?

Originating from Norway, lefse is a type of flatbread that has a similar appearance to a large round tortilla. It can be enjoyed in various ways, with plain, sweet, thin, or thick variations available. One particular version favored in the Telemark region contains potatoes mixed in with the dough.

What do Norwegians put on bread?

In Norway, we have a strong attachment to our skive, which is basically a sandwich. We enjoy a variety of fillings that range from savory options like ham, liver pâté, Norwegian cheese, kaviar, or even mackerel in tomato sauce to something sweet like jam or brunost. It’s an important part of our daily routine and food culture.

What is the famous Norwegian bread?

Norway has a beloved pastry known as skoleboller or skolebrød, which means school buns in English. These sweet buns are infused with cardamom and filled with creamy vanilla custard. To top it off, they are coated with a delicious powdered sugar glaze and sprinkled with coconut shreds. People of all ages in Norway can’t resist the comforting and delightful flavors of this pastry.

Bottom Line


In conclusion, I highly recommend that you try out this Norwegian School Bread recipe. This recipe is a must-try for anyone looking to sample some delicious Norwegian cuisine. The bread is fluffy and soft, and the sweet cardamom flavor is undeniably tasty.

What’s more, this bread is easy to make, which makes it perfect for novice bakers. The detailed instructions, substitution options, serving and pairing ideas, and tips for perfect results provided in this article will guide you every step of the way.

So why not give this recipe a try? Whether you’re planning on serving it for breakfast or dessert, this bread will surely impress your friends and family. Don’t hesitate! Head to the kitchen, grab your ingredients, and bake yourself some delicious Norwegian School Bread today!

Norwegian School Bread

Norwegian School Bread Recipe

Added for ZWT 6. What better treat for the end of the school year?!
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Course: Dessert
Cuisine: Norwegian
Keyword: < 4 Hours, Breads, European, Healthy, Norwegian, Scandinavian, Yeast
Prep Time: 2 hours
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 20 buns
Calories: 175.2kcal


  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1 (2 1/4 teaspoon) package active dry yeast
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons freshly ground cardamom
  • 4 cups flour
  • 1 (5 1/8 ounce) package vanilla instant pudding mix
  • 1 egg, well-beaten
  • 6 tablespoons powdered sugar plus 1 tbsp. water, mixed to form a light glaze
  • shredded coconut


  • Combine milk and butter in a sauce pan over medium-high heat until scalded. Remove from heat and let sit until it is lukewarm.
  • Add the yeast and sugar to the milk and allow to sit for 10 minutes.
  • Stir in the cardamom and flour until the dough pulls away from the sides of the mixing bowl.
  • Cover with a clean towel and let rise about 1 hour, until doubled in size.
  • When the dough has finished rising, punch it down, turn out onto a floured surface, and knead until smooth and shiny.
  • Roll the dough into an 18" long log and slice into 20 equal sections. Roll each section into a ball and place on a lightly greased baking sheet.
  • Cover the buns and allow to rise until doubled, about 30 minutes.
  • Prepare the pudding mix as directed, except reduce the milk to 2.5 cups. Allow pudding to thicken at room temperature while the buns are rising.
  • Preheat oven to 365°F
  • Once the buns have finished rising, use your finger to poke a well in the top center of each bun. Scoop 1-1.5 tbsp pudding into each well. Allow dough to rise 10 more minutes.
  • Brush a well-beaten egg over the edges and sides of the dough.
  • Bake in oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown.
  • Remove from oven and brush the dough with the sugar glaze, being careful to not get the glaze on the pudding. Dip into shredded coconut.

Your Own Notes


Serving: 1317g | Calories: 175.2kcal | Carbohydrates: 32g | Protein: 3.7g | Fat: 3.5g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 19.2mg | Sodium: 133.7mg | Fiber: 0.8g | Sugar: 11.8g

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