Milnot Cheesecake Recipe: Easy and Creamy Delight

Greetings fellow baking enthusiasts,

I am excited to share with you my favorite cheesecake recipe – Milnot Cheesecake. This special family recipe has been passed down through generations and has stood the test of time. One bite of this cheesecake, and you’ll understand why it’s become a staple at our family gatherings.

This sweet treat is creamy, light, and fluffy, with a buttery graham cracker crust that is simply irresistible. The secret to its melt-in-your-mouth texture lies in the use of milnot evaporated milk, which contains less fat than heavy cream but still maintains that desirable richness.

While there are many cheesecake recipes out there, this milnot cheesecake stands out as a unique dessert option that will impress your guests every time. Even those who claim not to be fans of traditional cheesecakes will fall in love with this dessert. Trust me on this – I have converted many skeptics into devoted fans of this recipe.

So dust off your kitchen ingredients and don your aprons. Let’s get started on making this delightful dessert that will make your taste buds sing!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Milnot Cheesecake
Milnot Cheesecake

Are you searching for a delicious and creamy cheesecake recipe that will delight the taste buds of your entire family? Look no further than the Milnot Cheesecake Recipe. This lip-smacking treat has been in my family for generations and is known as a special family recipe that never fails to impress.

One reason why this cheesecake is so amazing is because of its unique ingredient – Milnot evaporated milk. The addition of Milnot to the recipe gives it a rich and creamy texture that cannot be matched by any other cheesecake. When combined with cream cheese and sugar, Milnot creates a luscious filling that is irresistibly smooth and velvety.

Another reason why you’ll love this recipe is because it’s versatile. You can choose to make it plain or add your favorite fruits like pineapple or crushed berries to create different variations of the dessert. Whether you prefer a classic lemon cheesecake or something more exotic, like a pineapple cheesecake, the possibilities are endless with this recipe.

Not only that, but this cheesecake also requires only simple kitchen ingredients that are easy to find – no need to run out to the store for any fancy equipment or exotic ingredients. Anyone can make it right at home with ease and all you need is graham cracker crumbs, sugar, cream cheese, butter, vanilla extract, lemon juice, and of course, Milnot evaporated milk.

Lastly, this cheesecake can be enjoyed at any occasion – whether on holidays or just for when you want to indulge in a little dessert. It’s perfect for sharing with friends and loved ones or as a decadent finish for family meals.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for an easy-to-make but impressive cheesecake dessert recipe that stands out from the rest, then try the Milnot Cheesecake Recipe! It’s creamy, delicious, versatile and perfect for any occasion.

Ingredient List

 A slice of heaven: Milnot cheesecake
A slice of heaven: Milnot cheesecake

Let’s gather these simple but essential ingredients for the Milnot Cheesecake recipe:
For the crust:

  • 2 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 1/4 cup sugar

For the filling:

  • 8 oz cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 envelope (or about 3 tsp) unflavored gelatin
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 can (12 oz) evaporated milk, chilled
  • 1 can (5 oz) Milnot evaporated milk, chilled

Why these ingredients?

The graham cracker crust adds a subtle sweetness to every bite that is perfect with the soft and creamy filling. The unsalted butter helps bring together the crumbs for a sturdy yet crumbly texture. As for the filling, cream cheese is, of course, a classic staple in any cheesecake recipe, while adding sugar brings balance to its rich flavor. Vanilla extract gives this dessert an added layer of complexity that subtly amplifies its taste. Unflavored gelatin firms up the filling along with boiling water to dissolve it properly. Finally, both varieties of milk – chilled evaporated milk and Milnot – when whipped together provide a uniquely light and fluffy texture with just the right amount of sweetness that makes this cheesecake simply irresistible.

The Recipe How-To

 Creamy and delicious: Milnot cheesecake in the making
Creamy and delicious: Milnot cheesecake in the making

Now, onto the good stuff: the recipe itself! Here’s a step-by-step guide to making Milnot Cheesecake, a dessert you’ll definitely want seconds of.


  • Graham cracker crumbs (2 cups)
  • Butter (1/3 cup, melted)
  • Sugar (1/4 cup)
  • Gelatin (1 package, lemon flavored)
  • Boiling water (1 cup)
  • Cream cheese (8 oz)
  • Milnot evaporated filled milk (6 oz)
  • Vanilla extract (1 teaspoon)


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F.

  2. Mix together the graham cracker crumbs, melted butter, and sugar in a bowl. Press this mixture onto the bottom of a 9-inch cheesecake pan.

  3. Bake the crust for around 10 minutes or until light and fluffy – do not let it burn. Cool once done.

  4. In another bowl, mix cream cheese and sugar, followed by vanilla extract until it becomes nice and smooth.

  5. In another bowl or measuring cup, dissolve a package of lemon-flavored gelatin with boiling water by stirring constantly (warning: do not skip the stirring part).

  6. Combine the dissolved gelatin with six ounces of Milnot evaporated filled milk to make Milnot lemon cheesecake mixture.

  7. Now add this Milnot lemon cheesecake mixture to your cream cheese and sugar mixture gradually while still stirring to blend them together well [^careful-stirring].

  8. Beat any lumps that may occur between mixtures for the best taste possible.

  9. Pour this filling over on top of the cooled crust in the cheesecake pan you previously used. Refrigerate overnight for best results.

By following these steps precisely, you’ll enjoy the delectable taste of a creamy Milnot cheesecake that everyone will love! And no worries, there won’t be any sticky troubles thanks to our straightforward instructions!

[^careful-stirring]: Careful stirring can help make sure that you don’t end up with lumps or clumps in your cheesecake mix along with making it taste better in general!

Substitutions and Variations

 Can't resist the temptation: Milnot cheesecake just out of the oven
Can’t resist the temptation: Milnot cheesecake just out of the oven

No baker likes to be limited by the ingredients they have on hand, which is why it’s important to have some substitution and variation options for this Milnot cheesecake recipe.

If you don’t have graham crackers, you can try substituting with other cookies, such as digestive biscuits, Oreos or vanilla wafers. Crush them up into small pieces, mix with butter, and then press onto the bottom of your baking pan to create the crust.

For a twist on the original recipe, try adding different flavors like lemon or pineapple. For a lemon cheesecake version, just dissolve lemon jello in boiling water (instead of using regular gelatin), add lemon juice to cream cheese mixture and fold in whipped Milnot. For pineapple cheesecake option, mix crushed pineapple (drained well) with cream cheese filling and Milnot evaporated milk.

Additionally, you can experiment with different fillings by adding chocolate chips, peanut butter or fresh fruit like strawberries or raspberries. Just be aware that adding too many mix-ins may affect the texture of the final product.

If you prefer no-bake desserts or looking for an easy icebox dessert recipe, simply swap out the baked graham cracker crust with pre-made cookie pie crust and switch evaporated milk to sweetened condensed milk in the filling. Chill it in the fridge until set and voila! You’ve got a delicious no-bake version of Milnot cheesecake!

The possibilities are endless with this Milnot cheesecake recipe – use your imagination and let creativity guide you to find what works best for you and your taste buds!

Serving and Pairing

 Smooth as silk: the texture of the Milnot cheesecake is simply irresistible
Smooth as silk: the texture of the Milnot cheesecake is simply irresistible

Once the Milnot cheesecake is ready to be served, take it out of the refrigerator and let it rest for about 10 minutes at room temperature. This will allow the cake to soften up slightly and the flavors to come alive. Then, slice the cake into equal portions using a sharp knife dipped in hot water and wiped dry between each cut.

Milnot cheesecake pairs well with seasonal fruit toppings such as fresh berries, lemon curd or raspberry compote. You could also go for a more decadent pairing with a drizzle of caramel sauce or chocolate ganache. Alternatively, you can add some crunch by sprinkling chopped nuts on top.

This dessert is perfect for any occasion, formal or informal. It’s an excellent addition to brunch menus, potlucks or holiday gatherings, especially during the summer months when fresh berries are in season.

Serve alongside tea or coffee to balance out the richness of this dessert. If you’re feeling adventurous, pair it with a white dessert wine like Muscat or Sauternes to bring out the lusciousness of the cake.

Remember that presentation counts! Dust the finished cheesecake with powdered sugar, add some garnish or fruit on top, and serve in elegant individual ramekins or a beautiful serving plate for an impressive look.

Overall, when it comes to serving and pairing Milnot cheesecake, you can get creative! The possibilities are endless; just have fun with it and enjoy!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 The perfect treat for any occasion: Milnot cheesecake
The perfect treat for any occasion: Milnot cheesecake

When it comes to the Milnot Cheesecake recipe, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to storing and reheating your delicious dessert. This is an easy recipe to make ahead of time, which makes it a perfect choice for special occasions or entertaining.

If you plan on making this cheesecake in advance, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Be sure to wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent any air from getting in and drying out the cake. When you’re ready to serve, simply remove the wrapper and let the cake come to room temperature.

If you have leftovers or need to store your cheesecake for a longer period, you can freeze it as well. This cheesecake will freeze well for up to 2 months. To freeze, wrap the cheesecake as described above and then place it in a freezer-safe container or resealable bag before placing it in the freezer.

To thaw your frozen cheesecake, simply transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator and allow it to thaw overnight. Once it’s fully thawed, you can follow the instructions above for bringing it back to room temperature before serving.

When reheating milnot cheesecake, we recommend doing so gently and at low temperatures. You don’t want to cook off any of that divine milnot flavor. To reheat slices of your cheesecake, place them on a microwave-safe plate and microwave them for 10-15 seconds on medium power. Alternatively, you can warm them up in an oven preheated at 350°F.

In conclusion, preparing this delicious dessert ahead of time is easy with proper storage techniques that allow you to enjoy slices throughout the week. Freezing is also an option if you need to store your cheesecake longer than three days or if you want to save some for future cravings. By following these simple tips on storing and reheating milnot cheesecake, you’ll be able to enjoy this delightful dessert whenever you like!

Tips for Perfect Results

 A dessert fit for royalty: Milnot cheesecake
A dessert fit for royalty: Milnot cheesecake

Are you aiming for the ultimate milnot cheesecake that will make your friends and family rave about it for days? Look no further as I am about to share with you some tips on how to achieve a perfectly baked milnot cheesecake.

1. Room temperature ingredients

Cheesecakes require room temperature ingredients to ensure a smooth and creamy texture. Make sure to take out the cream cheese, Milnot evaporated milk, and eggs from the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before baking.

2. Whip milnot evaporated milk properly

To make your milnot cheesecake light and fluffy, you must whip the Milnot evaporated milk until it forms stiff peaks. Use a whisk attachment in your mixer, and place the Milnot in the freezer until it’s super chilled before whipping.

3. Mix in lemon juice into the crust

Add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice to your graham cracker crust mixture for an extra zesty twist. The tangy flavor of lemon perfectly complements the creaminess of the cheesecake filling.

4. Bake slowly at low temperature

A slow bake ensures that your milnot cheesecake comes out light and fluffy with no cracks on top. It may take longer but baking at a low temperature around 300-325 degrees ensures even cooking throughout.

5. Avoid overmixing

Overmixing causes air bubbles to form in the batter, leading to cracks on top of the baked cheesecake. Mix in ingredients until just combined and avoid overbeating when using low speeds with an electric mixer.

6. Use a water bath

Placing a pan with hot water in it under your cheesecake while cooking can help prevent cracks from forming on top, as well as providing additional moisture which keeps the cake tender.

By following these simple tips and tricks, you’ll have great success creating this delicious dessert every time!


As a baker, I understand the importance of clarifying doubts that arise while following a recipe. To help you with that, I have compiled some of the frequently asked questions with detailed answers about the Milnot Cheesecake Recipe. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced baker, these FAQs will surely come in handy to ensure that your cheesecake turns out perfect every time. So let’s dive in and clear up any questions you may have!

Are Milnot and evaporated milk the same?

Milnot is a type of evaporated filled milk that belongs to the Smucker’s brand in Orrville. As per Smucker’s customer support team, Milnot milk undergoes a process where its butterfat is eliminated and is substituted with soy oil, which gives it the name of “filled” milk. This process transforms the texture and consistency of the milk, making it ideal for various baked goods recipes.

Does Milnot still whip?

One ingredient that adds a unique twist to this recipe is Milnot, which can be whipped up like traditional whipping cream with an electric mixer. This fluffy and soft cake relies on whipped Milnot to achieve its delightful texture.

Is sweetened condensed milk the same as Milnot?

Milnot is a type of evaporated milk that has been infused with oil instead of butterfat, which allows it to be whipped at room temperature. It should not be confused with sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk can serve as a substitute if needed. This information was originally shared on April 25th, 2007.

Is there a substitute for Milnot?

If you are looking for alternatives to using Milnot in your recipes, there are plenty of options available to create the same creamy texture and flavor. You can try using evaporated milk, coconut milk, half-and-half, whipping cream, or Greek Yogurt instead. These substitutes are versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this milnot cheesecake recipe is a special family recipe that has been passed down for generations. It incorporates the perfect balance of sweetness and creaminess that will leave your taste buds wanting more. With easy-to-find ingredients, clear instructions, and helpful tips, you can create a light, fluffy cheesecake that will be the talk of any gathering. Whether you’re looking for a no-bake dessert or are in the mood to bake something special, this cheesecake recipe is the perfect choice.

So what are you waiting for? Whip up this milnot cheesecake for your next special occasion or just because. You won’t regret it! Don’t be surprised if everyone starts asking for the recipe and begging for seconds. This dessert is just too good not to share.

Thank you for joining me on this milnot cheesecake journey. I hope you enjoyed reading about the history, learning about the ingredients and steps required, as well as exploring different variations and serving suggestions. With patience, practice and some creativity you can make it your own but please don’t forget to share it with friends, family and loved ones.

Happy baking!

Milnot Cheesecake

Milnot Cheesecake Recipe

my grandma used to make this all the time. one of our family favorites… there are 2 other similar recipes on recipezaar, but they aren’t quite the way i’ve grown up making it. be sure you are using Milnot Evaporated Filled Milk or something similar. I’ve tried many times to change the ingredient list on this recipe to reflect that it is an evaporated milk, *not* sweetened condensed milk, but seems intent on making Milnot "sweetened condensed milk". There is no such thing. Use evaporated milk if you must substitute for the Milnot brand. (it seems this edit may possibly stick, but I wanted this note in here to lessen further confusion.) edited october 20th to emphasize cold beaters and milnot: as reviewer cinda lou pointed out, the cold beaters and milnot are very crucial to the recipe. don’t skimp on that step! i put the beaters in the freezer for a few minutes and the milnot in the fridge for a couple hours before making the cheesecake.
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Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: < 30 Mins, Cheesecake, Dessert, For Large Groups
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Calories: 244.3kcal


  • 3 ounces lemon Jell-O gelatin
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 2 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 13 ounces milnot evaporated filled milk, chilled
  • 8 ounces cream cheese
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted


  • dissolve jello in water; cool.
  • cream sugar, vanilla, and cream cheese.
  • add jello; mix well.
  • whip milnot with cold beaters until fluffy.
  • fold milnot into jello mixture.
  • add butter to graham cracker crumbs and pack into a 9×13 pan.
  • add filling to crust.
  • sprinkle with more graham cracker crumbs.
  • keep refrigerated.

Your Own Notes


Serving: 95g | Calories: 244.3kcal | Carbohydrates: 28.9g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 13.4g | Saturated Fat: 7.6g | Cholesterol: 36.6mg | Sodium: 196.1mg | Fiber: 0.3g | Sugar: 22.2g