Kumquat Pastry Tart Recipe for a Delicious Dessert Delight

Greetings, baking enthusiasts! Are you on the lookout for a recipe that will tantalize your taste buds and impress any food lover? Look no further than my kumquat pastry tart recipe!

Kumquats are often considered an acquired taste due to their bitter exterior and tangy interior. However, this dessert recipe brings out the best qualities of this underrated citrus fruit. With a delicious blend of sweetness, sourness, and a hint of ginger, this is the perfect recipe for those who love bold and unique flavors.

The best part about my kumquat pastry tart is its buttery and flaky frozen puff pastry crust. This crust perfectly complements the tartness of kumquats, resulting in a mouthwatering flavor explosion with every bite.

Additionally, this recipe is incredibly versatile. It can be made as a classic kumquat tart, or with variations such as candied kumquats, kumquat custard, or even marzipan kumquat tart for those with a sweet tooth.

I assure you that once you try my kumquat pastry tart recipe, it will become a staple dessert in your household. So gather your ingredients and let’s get started on creating the perfect dessert that will leave your guests begging for more.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Kumquat Pastry Tart
Kumquat Pastry Tart

Kumquats are one of the most underrated fruits, but they might become your new favorites once you try this kumquat pastry tart recipe. This recipe is the bee’s knees – it has a sweet yet tangy flavor that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you wanting more. Here’s why you’ll fall head over heels for this kumquat tart recipe:

Firstly, it is a super easy and fun recipe to make that requires minimal effort; anyone can give it a go! The kumquats add a unique twist to the otherwise basic lemon tart that leaves you feeling refreshed after each bite. The sweet pastry pairs perfectly with the slightly sour filling, creating an exceptional dessert that is as aesthetically pleasing as it is delicious!

Secondly, who doesn’t love versatility? You won’t be limited with this kumquat pastry tart recipe. You can effortlessly switch out the kumquats for other citrus fruits like oranges or limes if you don’t have them on hand, or play around with other variations and toppings like candied, spiced, or marzipan-infused kumquats.

Lastly, this recipe serves as excellent stress relief after a long day at work or school. There’s nothing quite like spending some quality time baking in the kitchen to lift your mood, and this will do exactly that. Plus, the scent of fresh pastries and zesty citrus wafting through your home will soothe your soul and leave you feeling inspired.

Overall, there’s nothing not to love about this kumquat pastry tart recipe- it’s easy to make, versatile, and stress-relieving – what more could you want in a dessert? Trust me; you’ll be thanking yourself for trying this out as soon as you take a bite out of that crispy crust melded with sweet custard filling topped with candied kumquats!

Ingredient List

 A burst of tangy sweetness in every bite.
A burst of tangy sweetness in every bite.

To make this kumquat pastry tart recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

For the Puff Pastry Crust:

  • 1 (400 g) package frozen puff pastry sheets, thawed
  • 1/4 cup (50 g) sugar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/2 tsp ground ginger

For the Kumquat Custard Filling:

  • 1 1/2 cups (355 ml) whole milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup (100 g) sugar
  • 3/4 cup (180 ml) freshly squeezed kumquat juice (see Recipe Notes)
  • zest of 1 kumquat
  • 2 tbsp cornstarch

For the Candied Kumquats:

  • 2 cups (500 ml) water
  • 2 cups (400 g) sugar
  • zest of 1 lime
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 3 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 3 cups peeled and sliced kumquats (see Recipe Notes)

For Serving:

  • Greek yogurt or whipped cream, for serving
  • Candied kumquats and kumquat compote, for garnish

The Recipe How-To

 A golden pastry shell filled with deliciousness.
A golden pastry shell filled with deliciousness.

Before we dive into the how-to of this kumquat pastry tart recipe, please make sure you have all the ingredients on hand. Let’s start preparing this delectable dessert!

Step 1: Preparing the Kumquats

Begin by washing and thinly slicing 2 cups of kumquats, discarding any seeds along the way.

Step 2: Combine Ingredients for Kumquat Custard

Next, in a medium-sized bowl, combine 1 cup of Greek yogurt and 1/4 cup of sugar with a whisk until smooth. Then add in 2 egg yolks and continue to whisk before adding your thinly sliced kumquats into the mixture.

Step 3: Cut Puff Pastry

Cut the thawed puff pastry sheet into 6 even pieces, making sure they are thin enough to not overpower the kumquat custard.

Step 4: Layout Puff Pastry

Carefully lay out each cut pastry onto parchment paper and give them space in between.

Step 5: Adding Kumquat Mixture to Pastry

Distribute your kumquat custard evenly among the pastries, ensuring every inch is covered.

Step 6: Bake

Preheat your oven to 400℉ /200℃, then bake pastries for about 18-20 minutes, or until golden brown.

Step 7: Add Candied Kumquats

While waiting for your pastries to cool down, use this time to make some candied kumquats to decorate later. Simply dissolve 3/4 cup of sugar in 3/4 cup of water over medium heat. Then add your thinly sliced kumquats into the water and sugar mixture, letting them simmer for about an hour. Strain and reserve both the syrup and kumquats separately.

Step 8: Assemble Pastries

Drizzle some of your reserved syrup onto each pastry before adding a few candied kumquats on top.

Congratulations! You now have a delicious kumquat tart that is perfect for any occasion. Enjoy it plain or serve alongside a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Substitutions and Variations

 Beautifully decorated and ready to impress.
Beautifully decorated and ready to impress.

Are you feeling adventurous and want to try some different versions of this kumquat pastry tart recipe? Here are some substitutions and variations you can make:

– Instead of using kumquats, you can use other citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, or limes. This would give your tart a slightly different flavor, but it would still be delicious.

– For a gingerbread flavor, add 1-2 teaspoons of ground ginger to the custard mixture. This will enhance the spicy element in the tart.

– Replace the frozen puff pastry with homemade pie dough. Though it will take a bit more effort in making the tart, the flavor would be rich and worth the extra churning.

– Swap out the custard filling for a ricotta cheese filling. Combine 2 cups of ricotta cheese with 1/4 cup of sugar, 2 egg yolks, and 1 tablespoon of lemon zest for an easy-to-make alternative.

– If you want a unique taste, try adding cardamom or rosemary to the kumquat compote instead of just vanilla extract.

– By frosting or drizzling chocolate over the baked pastry, it turns into chocolate tart which is sure to delight every chocolate lover.

These variations are just a few ideas to get you started but feel free to explore new flavors and combinations that excite your palate!

Serving and Pairing

 Treat yourself to a slice of heaven.
Treat yourself to a slice of heaven.

When it comes to serving and pairing Kumquat Pastry Tart, you have plenty of options to choose from that will enhance the flavor profile of this exquisite dessert. The tart sweet and tangy taste of kumquats goes well with many different types of foods and beverages, so you can easily create a variety of delicious pairings.

One option is to serve your Kumquat Pastry Tarts with a dollop of whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. The creamy texture of these additions gives a nice balance to the tartness of the kumquat filling and pairs particularly well with the buttery puff pastry crust. You might also top it off by dusting some powdered sugar on it or drizzling some honey on top for that added sweetness.

If you want a healthier alternative, serving it with Greek yogurt can be an excellent choice. The tanginess and creaminess of the yogurt provide a refreshing contrast to the rich flavors of the kumquat custard. This not only increases the nutritional value but also provides the perfect acidic tang that balances out the sweetness in this recipe.

For beverage pairing, you might want to try serving Kumquat Pastry Tart with a cup of warm tea or coffee. The earthy notes in tea and coffee complement nicely with the zesty aroma and flavor profile in your tart. A glass of dry white wine or champagne can also be a sophisticated drink choice for this dessert if you want something more upscale.

Ultimately, when it comes to serving and pairing Kumquat Pastry Tart, let your taste buds guide your way, experiment and enjoy! These delightful desserts are sure to please any palate, so get creative with your choices and savor the perfect bite every time.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 A warm hug in pastry form.
A warm hug in pastry form.

One of the great things about this kumquat pastry tart recipe is that it can be made ahead of time, stored, and reheated for later enjoyment! Whether you’re making it for a special occasion or simply want to have some on hand for quick dessert fix, this recipe won’t disappoint.

To make ahead, prepare the tart as directed in the recipe how-to section. Once it’s cooled completely, cover it tightly with plastic wrap or aluminum foil and store it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to serve. It can be stored for up to 3 days before serving.

When you’re ready to serve, simply remove the tart from the fridge and let it come to room temperature. If desired, you can reheat it in a preheated oven at 350°F for 10 minutes to warm it up if you prefer a warm tart.

If you have any leftover slices of kumquat pastry tart, they can also be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 days. When reheating any leftover slices, pop them in the microwave or reheat them in the oven as needed.

With these make-ahead and storing instructions, you’ll be able to enjoy this delicious kumquat pastry tart whenever the craving strikes!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Zesty kumquat flavors that awaken your taste buds.
Zesty kumquat flavors that awaken your taste buds.

Before you dive into making this kumquat pastry tart recipe, I wanted to share with you some tips that will help ensure your success in the kitchen. Pastry tarts may seem simple enough, but they can be quite temperamental and tricky to get right. With a few of my insider tips, you’ll be well on your way to impressing your family and friends with a kumquat tart that looks and tastes amazing.

Firstly, let’s talk about the frozen puff pastry. It’s important to let the puff pastry thaw completely before using it. This can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour at room temperature, depending on the brand and thickness of the pastry. Avoid rushing this step by microwaving or heating it up in any other way as it will affect the texture and lead to undesirable results.

Secondly, remember to prick the pastry all over with a fork before baking. This will help release any trapped air and prevent it from puffing up too much during baking, giving you a crisper pastry shell.

When it comes to preparing the kumquats for the compote or candied toppings, make sure to remove all the seeds from the fruit before cooking. The seeds can impart a bitter flavor and ruin an otherwise perfectly good tart. Additionally, avoid overcooking the kumquat compote or candied kumquats by keeping an eye on them as they simmer on your stovetop.

If you’re making the custard filling from scratch, be sure to not rush through whisking in each ingredient as instructed in the recipe data provided. Rushed whisking may lead to lumps of egg yolk or cream cheese suspending in your custard mix that won’t blend away entirely during baking.

Lastly, if you want to add more depth of flavor to your kumquat pastry tart consider pairing it with vanilla ice cream or freshly whipped cream at serving time! Enjoy!


Before I wrap up this article, let’s take a look at some frequently asked questions about this kumquat pastry tart recipe. Here are answers to common queries that will help make your baking journey smooth and enjoyable.

What does a tart kumquat taste like?

Kumquats are a type of citrus fruit that boasts a sweet-tart taste, similar to other citrus fruits like tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, and lemons. Unlike other citrus varieties, kumquats have a thin skin that is free of pith and concentrated with most of the fruit’s sugar. Although the skin is the sweet part, the flesh and juice are extremely tart. Keep in mind that the balance of sweet and sour flavors is essential while preparing recipes that call for kumquats.

What is tart kumquat?

The Kumquat Tart is a type of citrus fruit that is small in size and boasts a vibrant orange coloration. This fruit has a unique feature of being extremely sour and is usually enjoyed along with its peel. It thrives in warm temperatures ranging from 25 to 38 degrees Celsius during summer. Additionally, the kumquat tart is often used in fruit salad recipes.

What do you do with Cumquats?

This recipe article will cover versatile ways to incorporate fruits into your meals and desserts. We’ll be discussing chutneys, marinades, and sauces that are perfect for various types of meat, chicken, or fish. Additionally, we’ll cover the use of fruits in salads and sandwiches as well as in baked goods like bread and desserts such as cakes, pies, and cookies. You’ll get a range of options for adding fruity goodness to your dishes, whether savory or sweet. So let’s dive in!

What is fruit tart filling made of?

When it comes to filling a fruit tart, pastry cream or creme patissiere reigns as a classic choice. This delectable filling is a thick and creamy custard prepared by combining eggs, sugar, flour, cornstarch, milk, and vanilla. The mixture is cooked on the stove to achieve a rich and decadent filling that complements the tart crust and fresh fruit toppings perfectly.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this kumquat pastry tart recipe is the perfect dessert for any occasion. The flavorful combination of kumquats, ginger, and frozen puff pastry creates a unique and delicious tart that is sure to impress your guests. With so many variations and substitutions available, this recipe can be tailored to fit any taste preference.

Whether you are a seasoned baker or a newbie in the kitchen, this recipe is easy to follow and will produce impressive results. From the tangy-candied kumquat custard to the creamy kumquat ricotta tart, there is something for everyone with this recipe.

Don’t miss out on the chance to create one of the best kumquat desserts out there. Impress your friends and family with an incredible treat that is both sweet and savory. With all these amazing benefits, why not give this recipe a try today? Your taste buds will thank you!

Kumquat Pastry Tart

Kumquat Pastry Tart Recipe

This recipe is from Sunset. Enjoy!
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Course: Dessert
Cuisine: International
Keyword: < 30 Mins, Citrus, Dessert, Fruit, Oven
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Calories: 287.8kcal


  • 1 sheet frozen puff pastry, thawed
  • 3/4 cup microwave kumquat jam (recipe in data base)
  • 1/2 cup whipping cream
  • ginger, cream spread (recipe in data base)
  • 1/2 lb kumquat, sliced about 1/8 inch thick,remove seeds and discard ends (about 2 cups)
  • 2 tablespoons orange-flavored liqueur


  • Roll out thawed puff pastry sheet to make a 10 inch square.
  • Brush evenly with 2 T.
  • of the jam.
  • Bake on the lowest rack in a 425 degree oven until well browned-about 12-15 minutes.
  • Remove and let cool.
  • Beat whipping cream until it holds soft peaks and gently fold in ginger cream.
  • Spread evenly over the baked puff pastry.
  • Arrange the kimquat slices on the ginger cream mixture, overlapping a bit.
  • Melt the remaining jam.
  • Remove from heat and whisk in the liqueur.
  • Gently brush onto the kumquats.
  • Cut into triangles and serve or chill up to 1 hour.

Your Own Notes


Serving: 83g | Calories: 287.8kcal | Carbohydrates: 35g | Protein: 2.8g | Fat: 15.5g | Saturated Fat: 5.7g | Cholesterol: 18.1mg | Sodium: 83.9mg | Fiber: 2.3g | Sugar: 15.5g

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